Must-have of the season: women's watches in bright colors


We have repeatedly come across the statement that bright color is very difficult to use, has age restrictions and, in general, has a very peculiar mood, devoid of nobility and elegance. We strongly disagree with this!
Not only that, but we will explain this using the example of a watch with an unusual color design, and strongly advise you to acquire at least one bright model.


Why and why?

First, it's beautiful. Very often, the color palette imitates the shades of precious stones or unusual crystals, skillfully repeating them in the smallest detail. Next, we note the striking influence of color on the sound of design. This is especially true for classic watches, which practically do not change their design for decades (illustrative examples are the Cartier Tank, which acquire a special charm with each new color scheme), as well as for gender-neutral models (even the most impressive G-SHOCK, decorated in pastel colors, lose excessive bulkiness and excessive brutality).
The original color is extremely important to collectors (limited editions often feature a unique hue) and to those who see a watch as not only a timekeeping tool, but also an eloquent form of self-expression.
Let’s also pay attention to the most obvious factor—mood. This is not only about seasonality, but also about the magical property of individual flowers to promote relaxation, inspiration or self-confidence.

Where to begin?

We suggest starting your acquaintance with a colored strap or bracelet. This will help you finally decide on your likes (believe me, even the most favorite mint color can get boring when worn every day) and comfortably integrate the bright color into your look.
We also recommend looking towards pastel shades of natural colors: they are extremely versatile and often very attractive. Another option is models inlaid with precious stones or crystals. We saw something similar in Swarovski advertising campaigns.

How to wear?


Let's not repeat it - if you like, you can wear a colored watch anywhere and with anything! Nevertheless, we will highlight the most universal combinations. Among them are monochrome outfits that need active color inclusion, and the most restrained suits, devoid of any individuality.
Also, bright watches will appeal to those who do not tolerate a lot of details (in this case, the watch replaces almost all jewelry and accessories), and vice versa, to those who simply adore jewelry maximalism in the spirit of Giovanna Battaglia Engelbert.


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